Why should you bother looking at web page design ideas?
There’s a connection between your brand and your website. Your website is often the first point of contact someone has with your company.
They may have looked up your service online, clicked on a search result and went to your website to
You have a few precious moments to get their interest. The reality is that you have about .05 seconds before someone forms an impression of your company.
Your site’s design will determine whether that impression is positive or negative.
Read on to learn the top website design ideas you can use to create a positive and lasting impression on your customers.
1. Always Put the User First
When developers build websites, they often do so knowing that they’re building them to get traffic.
They’ll create amazing and clean code but forget about the user in the process. They wind up building the site for search engines and not the user.
In your design, you have to put the user first. Think about the path that they take to get to your site.
What will they expect to see when they get there? What device will they use? What’s the most important action they can take?
As an example, take a look at this App Builder site. Notice how the design is clean and simple. The user can easily figure out what they do, for whom, and what actions should be taken next.
2. Be a Minimalist
When you’re designing a web page, you have to take the approach that less is more. Your users are likely to be coming from a mobile device. The less they have to deal with on those small screens, the better the experience is for them.
You can incorporate Flat UI design on your site. With flat design, you’re leaving out all of the bells and whistles and focusing on a few elements.
The advantage of Flat UI is that you use more whitespace, which will draw the eye to a certain area of the page.
Flat UI is often associated with clean, modern design. You can check out this page for an example of Flat Design.
3. Ignore the Rule of Thirds
If you’ve ever taken a design or photography course, you’ve had the rule of thirds drilled into your head.
Your page is divided into thirds horizontally and vertically, creating a grid. Historically, your main subject or focal point would appear in the middle.
That rule no longer applies to web design. You’re seeing a couple of things in web design.
The first is that websites are using broken grid layouts, where elements are overlaid on top of each other. Page elements like pictures and text boxes may be shifted slightly so one appears a little higher than the other.
The second thing is that you’ll see the focal point shift slightly to the right or left to draw attention.
4. Use High-Quality Images
If you went to a web page for the first time that had nothing but low quality, pixilated stock images, would you stay?
Chances are that you wouldn’t.
What would your impression of that brand be? Would you be inspired to return to that site?
You’re likely to have a negative impression of the brand and you’re not going to return to the website.
Images are everything on websites, and it’s important that you use high-quality images. In an ideal world, you’d get a professional photographer to create images for your site.
If you must use stock photos, pay for them. If you get your images from sites that everyone else uses, your visitors could see the images you use elsewhere. That could confuse your brand with other sites that are using the same images.
5. Web Page Design That’s Brutal
Brutalism has been the buzzword in the design world. It refers to how brutally ugly the early websites were.
They were simple and they did the job. They were just ugly. Just like the ripped jeans and big hair of the 80s made a comeback, brutalism is back.
What you’ll see with brutalist websites will be text, images, and a lot of right angles. There are no rules in brutalism. Just the basics.
6. Be Bold in Your Design
When you choose your design style, you’re going to have to choose fonts and colors that go with the design.
They also need to be aligned with your brand.
Don’t be afraid to use big bold colors and modern fonts on your site. Bold colors can make a website pop against a lot of whitespace.
Modern fonts are also readable, creating a better user experience.
7. Security Is a Design Feature
With so many data breaches being reported on a daily basis, your users are expecting a safe and secure browsing experience.
There’s an ongoing debate between web designers today. Should they focus on security and sacrifice the aesthetics of the site? How can security be part of the user experience?
Part of your site’s mission is to build trust with users. Nothing can build trust faster than a site that says we take security seriously.
8. Use Analytics to See How People Use the Site
This is an important but often overlooked step. Once you launch your site with these new web page design ideas, you want to see how users respond.
You’ll want to have Google Analytics installed to gauge how your site’s users are using the site. You’ll want to measure the following:
- Bounce rate
- Time on Site
- Conversions
- Device Used
- Where Traffic Came From
These numbers will tell you a story about your visitors. A low bounce rate indicated that people visit and go to several web pages before leaving.
Web Page Design Ideas That Create a Brand’s Legacy
Your brand is the most important asset your company can have. That promise of your brand needs to be validated when someone clicks through to your website.
These web page design ideas will help you create a website that creates a positive impression for your brand and builds a lasting legacy for your brand.
When you’re done making these changes to your site’s design, show it off to the world. Submit it to our Flat UI community.