Antrepo Flat Minimal Packaging is Awesome

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What We

The first minimal packaging set that I came across from Atrepo, was their mockup of Nutella. It's awesome how they keep taking away and tweaking the look until it looks like super minimal flat packaging. My favorites are Redbull, Nutella, and Guinness. What are your favorites?

Antrepo is a multi-disciplinary design consultancy. It derives its power from exciting and passionate design members who are actively contributing to the core of design. The Antrepo team formed to create unique design ideas for forward-looking peoples. Antrepo believes that it can access any individual and any culture with a fresh idea, allowing itself to envision the next step. At the base of Antrepo, new formulas are created by the Antrepo Team.
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One Response to “Antrepo Flat Minimal Packaging is Awesome”

  1. Mi Web Design

    Awesome packaging! Is very nice to look the before and after production!


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